What is Coaching?

I am a Professional Life Coach with the Masters graduate degree within my title. The title of Life Consultant is what I consider myself because that is what I am as a Life Coach with a synergistic relationship between me and my client. What I do is to tap into my client's full potential with more insight, objective perspective and enthusiastic support just like having the enthusiastic support of an athletic coach who helps their  team achieve.
   Many people are still not familiar with Life Coaching and wonder why someone might hire a Life Coach?  The simple answer is that:  those who experience the coaching/counseling process or know someone who has a coach also knows that it works! Many of today's most successful business leaders, entrepreneurs and CEO's use the services of a life coach.  There are Life Coaches for hundreds of diverse issues.   Although Life Coaching has been around for a number of years, it is now being seen as the cutting edge modality that offers new possibilities for people's worries and issues, physical wellness (which is connected to the mind), and achieving personal goals. Have you ever had a mentor? 

My focus as a Life Coach is being un-biased, confidential, understanding, and helping to figure out goals that will help a woman go forward concerning things in their lives.  
  • Coaching guides and helps people create better lives in their relationships with family, spouse, children, dating, work/career, physical health....and...themselves.   
  • What would it feel like to have a happier, a higher self-esteem, a more efficient thought process and balanced decision making life for yourself?
  • One on One personal coaching is mostly achieved over the telephone or Face Time in the privacy of the client's personal space and environment, which is also very convenient. Life Coaching can be a benefit from anywhere in the U.S. and the world.
  • Life Coaching can also be done in group workshops.

My Coaching Approach

I offer the Core Energy Coaching Approach Process which was discovered by Dr. Bruce D. Schneider, author and founder of IPEC coaching.  This 'tool' is one of the greatest approaches ever created to see where an individual is at within themselves with how they react and deal with everyday life. This approach is founded on more than ten thousand hours  of research and application over the course of 30 years.  This inter-disciplinary process has its roots in psychotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), mentoring, consulting, quantum physics, metaphysics, adult and accelerated learning theories, emotional intelligence, leadership development, and theories of conscious evolution.

The Core Energy Coaching Process are questions that the person honestly answers and submits to give the amazingly correct results of how they basically deal with everyday life.  It is an amazing approach that addresses the thoughts, emotions and actions that are driving the current results happening in an individual. This process is absolutely incredible!
  • Traditional coaching models only address what the client is doing and as a result the results are limited and short term.
Using the Core Energy Coaching Process an individual  personally becomes keenly aware of how they are thinking, feeling and act.  With the  impact these factors have on results in the person's  life, the person can consciously choose how to respond in any situation. 

          Being aware creates a greater result and can be sustained over time. 
          KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING of ourselves gives us personal power.                                                                                                     

Photo taken by Trisha on a hike in the Uinta Mountains

Imagine yourself as being the beautiful purple flowers growing along this rocky mountain path.  Life is rocky! Let yourself blossom!